I am not sure why it's called "boulangerie," which is a French word for a bakery. The words "cuire" or "faire" are used to describe baking, or at least that's what I remember from my college French classes. That was a long time ago, though. Still, there's no bread in the dish ... but I digress.

I think it was a success - the pictures are at left. The top one is of the dish straight out of the oven; the bottom is after the beans have been divided into travel containers. I ate a couple of bites, and it tasted pretty good.
Plus, the beans weren't mush, which means I am definitely improving. Historically, I have not had much success turning dried beans into anything other than baby food or army mush. But today's attempt looks promising.
I am already looking for another bean dish to try out next weekend to see if I can duplicate my bean success. Wish me luck.
And just so you know, today's baking wasn't all about me. I also made Sean a batch of his favorite jalapeno bagels.
He's so cute and gets so excited about them. It makes me feel good that I can make him happy with something so simple. So maybe today's baking was all about me after all. I am OK with this.