Wednesday, March 24, 2010

16 percent

We are part of this 16 percent. Are you?

Seriously, fill out your 2010 U.S. Census forms. It's important, it's your civic duty and it takes about five minutes. Go do it now ... I'll wait.


Debra said...

Done...Because Genealogy depends on it, too!


Daina said...

yes we filled it out, but ours took a little longer because Paul and I had to discuss in great detail why he was choosing "white". Also, Paul felt that by choosing "life partners" to describe how person number 2 is related to person number 1, it might throw them off, because they might think we were gay. We have nothing against this, but Paul really thought they had somehow missed something and we might really throw off their findings. I felt that "roommates" was too vague. Life partners shows the love! hehe. If they somehow missed that Paul is M and I am F, that's there own fault!

Billy said...

Ok, I need your help on this Census thing. What should i put as my place of i even have one? I guess i could always just put "the fairy room" at my mommy and daddy's house. Can you picture this scenario......"Want to go to my place? We'll have to be very quiet though - don't want to wake my parents."

Alton said...

Billy, be sure to also mention that Terry might want to snuggle.

Billy said...

I have to shut the door at night because if i don't that damn dog will jump up on the end of the bed and then growl at me if i try and move her!

Unknown said...

I didn't put "white" as my race. I checked other and wrote human, out of sheer spite.

To ask if you are of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin then make you answer the following question about what race you are, with white being the only close option, is senseless.

If they wanted to go that route, then they should have put Caucasian/mongolian.

Debra said...

Well Hi Billy,

You are supposed to fill it out where you are staying at the time, even if it is just short term. If you are visiting your folks at the time, than you put their place.

Alton said...

I always hated the term "caucasian." As far as I know, I don't have family coming from the Caucasus region. I've never been one for political correctness. In my experience, political correctness is only an issue with people who are politically incorrect but don't want people to think they are. If they want to go that far then I'm going to put down "Celtic American" on mine. Due to all the ancestors from the British Isles, that's probably the most accurate.