Monday, August 17, 2009

Guess who's here?!?

Daina and Paul! The arrived yesterday, and we are already having a blast.

We went to the laser show last night at the Pacific Science Center and ate LOTS of sushi. More fun is planned today (after Daina and I have pedicures, of course).


Alton said...

All that sushi looks yummy! Hope ya'll continue to have fun.

Alton said...

BTW, the sushi pick doesn't enlarge when clicked (although cursor turns to hand when pointing to it). It is prob just me though.

Unknown said...

pic enlargement works fine for me Alton, it must be your browser - you're using IE aren't you?

Debra said...

That sushi is so pretty. Hey Staishy don't forget to send Daina and Paul home. OK, next trip up to Seattle will be Alton's turn. Then your Father - he's getting anxious to hug another tree!

Sean, I did not have a problem with pic enlargement (on some level that sounds way too personal) and I use IE8.

Mary said...

This is a test post for Mary.

Debra said...

I like the group picture. It is such a strange feeling to see Daina and Paul there, when I just saw them here.

Mary said...

How are you doing?

Alton said...

IE? Ugh, heaven's no. I only use Firefox.

Alton said...

Now it works, don't know what was up earlier. That sushi looks even better at full screen on the big screen!